Sunday, May 27, 2012

Where Did the Week Go?

When you're spending time with family, the days zip by much too quickly.  It's going to be hard to say goodbye on Tuesday.

The Hill family--Daughter (wearing hat), Son-in-law and 2 granddaughters.

We've managed  to enjoy outdoor activities in spite of the uncooperative weather.  Almost all of our previous visits to Medford in past years were at the end of summer.  We've tended to think of Medford as having a hot and sunny climate.  But May in Medford is much different from July and August.

Jackets and long pants that we had stashed away on our travels throughout the Southwest were dug out again from the bottom of our luggage and became our daily wear.  Flowers and trees that we had seen in bloom a month or more ago were just beginning to bloom here.  We were able to experience the green freshness of spring all over again.

Azalea Gardens in Brookings, Oregon.

Joining Ruth for her Tuesday Nite Ladies Ride on country roads and bike path near Medford.

One of the roads on the Tuesday Nite Ladies Ride.

Overnight stay at Whaleshead Resort near Brookings, Oregon.

Enjoying hot tub and kite flying on deck of Whaleshead Resort cabin.

Early morning light on beach walk at Whaleshead.

Yesterday Lee and I went with Ruth and Scott to Southerlin, Oregon, to take part in an organized bike tour of the Umpqua Valley.  Three different loop rides were offered.  Ruth and Scott rode the 65-mile route, while Lee and I managed the 45-mile loop.

View Umpqua bike ride in a larger map

The views of the countryside and Umpqua Valley were our reward for some hard uphill pedaling on parts of the loop.

Rest and Relaxation with family dog, Mattie.

1 comment:

  1. Liked the family picture and hadn't realized before in other pictures over the years that Ruth looks like her mom.

    Also enjoyed the the pix of the azaleas but most of all the one of Lee with that wonderful book rest ( Mattie) !

    Seems as if you are keeping up on your bike rides, too. Keep up the good work.
