Sunday, September 23, 2012

A New Chapter

The posts that I have been writing on this blog since last December served as a means of keeping friends and family informed of our location and adventures as we traveled the US.  As we now begin preparations for relocating ourselves and our belongings to a new home (one more permanent than the Subaru Forester that has served us so well these past months) a new chapter begins.

We have a lot of work ahead of us and a whole new focus for planning our activities in the coming days.  For us it continues to be an adventure, but one of a different sort.  It will not be the type of adventure where we visit exciting new places, ride our bikes, hike up mountains and/or take "tourist" photos.  For those of you who have been faithful followers of this blog, these new trials and tribulations of our upcoming relocation adventures will not be very interesting.

For this reason, as we start our new chapter, I am officially bringing this one to a close.  I will not be posting any new entries to this blog.  We will do our best to individually keep each of you posted on our progress of relocating.  Phone calls and emails are always welcome if you haven't heard from us.

May our Lord Jesus richly bless each of you who know Him as your Lord and Savior.  For those who don't yet know Him we pray that you will soon reach that blessed truth.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!!!!

    Thank you for sharing your exciting journey. I enjoyed being introduced to so much of our beautiful USA , places I hadn't been and wasn't even aware of.

    Hope to be seeing you again soon.
