Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, a day of work?

We left Storm Lake rested and marvelling at how nice our time was. We attended a free concert. The lake was anything but "stormy" - and we were treated to a nice sunset.

Because the day had been so sunny and dry, we woke with no dew, and packed our tent dry.
The ride today was another long one,79 miles, but easier than Sunday because of the long stetches of very flat road. The weather was mostly clear again, but with more breezes, but thankfully we never had to head directly into the wind and sometimes had a slight tail wind.

We met up with our friend from Oregon in one of the towns - he's riding with his girlfriend this year (her first RAGBRAI - which in RAGBRAI slang makes her a "virgin").She is accustomed to riding the steep hills in Oregon, so Iowa isn't a big challenge.

We've had our post-ride shower and gave Pizza Hut a run for the money on an "all you can eat" deal. Now enjoying some down time in the downtown activities / crowds at Algona - and then, restore ourselves with sleep,sleep,sleep.

Check back again tomorrow.

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