Saturday, July 23, 2011

Rain or shine--which is it going to be?

Sitting here looking out the window of the Bicyclists of Iowa City (BIC) bus wondering if this will be one of those RAGBRAI's where we get soaked with rain half the time and baked by the sun the rest of the time. The sweltering heat Wednesday and Thursday here in Iowa City developed into major thunderstorms yesterday morning. We even lost power for a couple of hours at Mike's house. But then before lunchtime the sun was out and it turned into a 90 degree day with the kids getting sunburns because Grandma kept them out too long playing with water balloons and splashing on the Slip-n-Slide at the park.

I was woken from sleep last night by the crash of thunder, flash of lightening, and the sound of the wind slashing rain against the house. I was so thankful that I was in the house and not in my tent! I've weathered more than one summer thunderstorm in my tent on RAGBRAI. It's fun to talk and laugh about when it's over but sure not fun when you're going through it.

This morning the clouds are still here but it was only sprinkles when the taxi dropped me off in front of the school where the buses are loading. I threw on my duffel bag, found my seat and was glad to see sun breaking through the clouds. It was a short-lived break as 10 minutes later the skies opened up and it was pouring again.

Well, buses are now all loaded, rain has stopped and we are enroute to our 4-1/2 hour ride over to Glenwood. Rain or shine, whichever this week brings, we RAGBRAI riders will weather it and have a wonderful, adventurous week.

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